I made a self portrait on canvas not long ago. Mostly an experiment, it was done from a picture my husband took of me while we were on our trip. I was actually driving at the time when he took the picture, which I don't really do all that often. As you can see I am very seriously concentrating. It wasn't that bad though, really, but I do tend to worry more than necessary.
Anyway, he took this picture of me when we were driving through Alabama. The way I created the painting was by first sketching the under drawing on the canvas.

Then I figured out what colors I wanted to use. I used acrylic paint for this painting. I decided to go with a blue and yellowish-orange color scheme. Something very contrasting and bold. I painted the background first with a blue color that varied in tones.

To finish the painting I had to paint the face. Even though my hair is brown I painted it black, since it looked very dark in the picture. Once most of the painting was done, I also added some colored pencil and some black ink to certain places I wanted to make stand out. I also smudged some of the colored pencils, to blend them into the canvas.

All in all, it came out all right. I think my painting of skin tones can definitely be improved, but other than that I do like it.