Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Okay, so it's not as bad as all that. Just didn't get enough sleep. I stayed up all night pretty much watching the second season of The Office on Netflix. So yeah, I fell asleep finally around 5:00 AM. Not bad. I can handle one night of no sleep, but anymore and I am asking for it. Two kids to take care of with no break or rest, yeah no good.

On another note, there's this great photography website you should check out. It's called OneADayPix Really great photographer, a friend of mine. He takes pictures of all things, really interesting. I especially like how dirty and real everything is, I think that's his strength. Anyway, check him out.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

It's been so LONG!

I have been very busy this past month. Almost every weekend we had a birthday party to go to, and so it's been a little hectic at the house. We celebrated my birthday a few weeks ago. One year older. Money has been a little out of reach too. Still, I managed to get a few things for the kids and packed it away in the closet. It's funny, because I remember my parents doing the same thing around Christmas.

Speaking of the holidays, I have been looking for a job. It is hard every Christmas. I always start to think, "how can I make some extra money?" This year the answer might surprise you but it's true. I am an Avon Representative. Crazy. I am a pretty shy person for those of you who have never met me. I am hoping to get a lot of sales online through the website, so check it out. It's www.youravon.com/carnold8821 If you spend over $30 you get free shipping.