Sunday, December 11, 2011

Earth Globe Plush

My inspiration from the etsy shop, Little Smiles Boutique

It's getting closer to Christmas and I am still working away, trying to get presents together.  Like you all know, my husband is still looking for a job, so we are low on money for gifts this year.  My time is also scarce with three kids, the youngest nearly five months old.  

While trying to come up with gift ideas, I looked over my children's Christmas lists, and saw that my daughter wants a globe.  Adorable.  She's in kindergarten, and I love that she is so interested in learning!  Anyhoo, at first I was going to buy a blow up globe ball.  They're under $10.  I also found a Earth Ball for about $15 at the Fat Brain Toys website.

I decided to save some money and just make a plushie of the Earth.  Here's what I did.  I got some blue yarn, and amigurumi crocheted two halves of a ball.

Pattern for Earth Ball

Make 2, using blue yarn...

magic ring, sc 6 times (6sc)
2sc in each sc (12 sc)
*1sc, 2sc in next sc* repeat around another 5x (18sc)
*2sc, 2sc in next sc* repeat around another 5x  (24sc)
*3sc, 2sc in next sc* repeat around another 5x (30sc)
*4sc, 2sc in next sc* repeat around another 5x (36sc)
*5sc, 2sc in next sc* repeat around another 5x (42sc)
*6sc, 2sc in next sc* repeat around another 5x (48sc)
*7sc, 2sc in next sc* repeat around another 5x (54sc)
*8sc, 2sc in next sc* repeat around another 5x (60sc)
sc around (60sc)
sc around (60sc)
sc around (60sc)
sc around (60 sc)
sc around (60 sc)

Now use blue yarn to sew the two  halves together leaving a couple inches to stuff it with stuffing.  After stuffing the ball, you have to add the continents.  You can use felt or fleece, whatever you have that doesn't fray.  You're also going to need some templates for the continents.  I used the templates from the site below.  You're gonna need to scale them down.  I also rounded some of the shapes, since there's no way I can create a perfect map of the world.  LOL. 

Feel free to use different colors for different continents.  I'm going to sew a little star on our location, so my daughter has an idea of where we live.  Hope you liked this tutorial.  You can do it.  Happy crafting!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Upcycled Tank Top Cape

I saw some cute kids capes on the internet and I thought I'd try it out myself.  My challenge was no money and no time to sew.  Here's what I came up with.  

I have been going through my clothes and getting stuff ready for goodwill, so I already had some shirts on hand.    They are all t-shirt material.  I cut them up the middle front if there was no design, but if I wanted to utilize a design, I just flipped the shirt and cut up the middle on the back.  It's very versatile.  I made sure to stop cutting before I got to the collar.  Then I cut in a diagonal line from the bottom up to the underarm.  Then I repeated this on the other side.  Finally, I tied the ends.

I plan on putting letters on the capes for each kid.  If you use a long sleeve shirt, you can easily add leg guards or arm guards for the costume.  Also if the shirt is a button up, you can utilize that.  I also used some short sleeve stretch t-shirt sleeves for masks.  I just cut out eye holes.  No need to sew, but if you want it'll look more finished.  This is easy to make, personalize, customize, and embellish.  Best thing, it costs nothing but a little time.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Paper Puppets for Kids or Just for Fun

So I had this idea.  I wanted to make a personalized puppet for each of the kids.  I started looking up the different types of puppets out there, keeping in mind it needs to be simple, cheap, and kid-friendly.  

This one would be awesome to make for an ornament.

I found a few different options.  One being a paper puppet.  Do not get this confused with the paper bag puppet.  The one I'm talking about is a puppet, usually made out of paper, that the legs and arms are cut out and attached so they can move.  Here's a picture of the legs for a Day of the Dead skeleton paper puppet.

Not very Christmasy, but still it's good to explain how it works.

These are actually for sale for $22.  They're so cute.  The shop is called ArtistinLaLaLand on

I think I may use some cardboard to make some of these little paper puppets.  I have a few cereal boxes I can cut up and they will do nicely.  Then I will cut out my pieces and paint them white, so I have a blank canvas.  Then I'll paint them up and attach them with brads.  I'll make a few accessories, and voila.

A fun and easy present for my lil kiddies and their cousins.  I think I'll need to come up with a theme.  Something fun like the circus theme that ArtistinLaLaLand used.  I'll post pics when I have something together.  Happy Puppet-Making!  LOL

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Art Dolls by Papillon Bleu UK

If you like interesting and unique dolls, you'll appreciate this!

I found this blog today.  It's really cool.  She makes these beautiful art dolls.  Check it out.