Saturday, September 22, 2012

Recycling can be Messy, but Fun

Some of my favorite things to do when it comes to being crafty, are to use what I already have and turn it into something completely different.  Something AWESOME!

I do this a lot with old shirts, paper, baby food jars, etc.  Even yarn that my kids pull from my crafty bags and decide to wrap around the entire room.

(Yes, this happened.  It looked like this laser field below but much worse.)  I've learned that using something, especially if it's going to be thrown away otherwise, is good.  It's fun.  It's liberating.  And yes, it's messy.

My kids smiles make it worth it, though.  By the way this pic is not how it looked.  It was much worse, because the kids were wrapping yarn on door knobs, shelves, vacuum cleaners...  :/  You get the idea.
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